Marion Paralegal
3615 Walker Road, Unit 2 (Upper), Windsor ON N8W 3S6
Contact Form
Traffic Tickets
Small Claims Court
Landlord and Tenant
Welcome to the Marion Paralegal website. Marion Paralegal offer's a wide range of legal services. Assistance in English or in French with matters of:
-Traffic Tickets;
-Provincial Offences;
-Small Claims Court;
-Landlord and Tenant;
-Accident and Personal Injury Claims;
-Workers Compensation;
-Summary Convictions;
-Federal and Provincial Tribunals;
-Human Rights;
-Employment Law;
-Alternative Dispute Resolution;
-Process Serving;
-Commissioner for Taking Affidavits.

-Cash, Debit, Visa, Mastercard and Certified Cheque accepted.

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website should not be construed as legal advice and does not establish a paralegal and client relationship. Please contact Marion Paralegal directly for any advice or representation. Emails can be intercepted while being routed over the internet. Client confidentiality may be inadvertently breached by improperly sharing emails and taking inadequate measures to prevent unauthorized access to communications.
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
9am - 6pm
  9am - 12pm

After Hours Call
(519) 250-4LAW(529) or
1(866) 955-4LAW(529)